A Day Dress at Descanso Gardens

Have you taken a moment yet to pause this summer? Here’s one of mine —a breezy, summer dress moment from a particularly favorite outing I took to stop and smell the roses at Descanso Gardens, a botanical garden in La Canada Flintridge, here in Southern California, just 20 minutes outside of Downtown Los Angeles. This wasn’t a styled shoot with hair and makeup, and weeks of planning (though, it didn’t hurt that I had a pro photographer in tow — check out more of Graham Gilmore’s work here). Instead, I just threw on a favorite sundress from Reformation and spent a few hours with my special someone taking in the roses, lilacs, maple and cherry trees of the gorgeous, botanical gardens. I hope to capture more impromptu moments like these to share, cause a true “fashion moment” shouldn’t need too much forethought, or polish. It’s more about just you being you in clothes that make you feel good. Wouldn’t you agree?
Happy Summer!,